Product Pricing Support

Pharmaceutical and related health technology companies consistently face product pricing challenges in Sub-Sahara Africa. Misaligned pricing presents companies with access and commercial risk . Medical Access Africa conducts thorough market and consumer economic modes with regional price referencing to identify the optimal pricing to drive access with low round-tripping or parallel trade potential.

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Pricing challenges

Despite rapid economic growth and expanding economic indices, Africa still has a large residue of populations living under crushing poverty. At close of 2021, the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) estimated a total of 498million people to be living below $1.99PPP/day. This was a rise by 37million driven by the COVID-19 pandemic. Under such economic realities, companies consistently struggle to strike a sensitive balance between providing medicines at accessible prices to the large need base and the necessary commercial success to make their business sustainable. Medical Access Africa supports companies to develop multi-dimensional pricing plans that address the continent's healthcare needs whilst preserving commercial aspirations. United